Description of the project
The “The Gamification of Employment” project is a project co-financed by the European Commission within the framework of its Erasmus +, KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and exchange of good practices programs. This project started in September 2018 and is scheduled to end in the same month of 2020, therefore lasting two years. In this period, the work of 5 organizations from 4 different countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy and Romania) has been reinforced, collaborating to jointly develop work proposals through which to achieve the proposed objectives.

Purpose and objectives
The main objective of the project is to identify, enhance and evaluate the most significant transversal skills with the aim of promoting youth employability, through the use of board games as a facilitating and integrating tool. This is achieved while increasing the level of quality in pedagogical methods and generating a greater number of methodologies to use with youth in general and more specifically with youth with fewer opportunities or at risk of social exclusion.
Among the specific objectives of the project are the following:
- Create innovative practices in the youth field using board games as a methodology to identify, enhance and evaluate the most significant generic skills or competences, which will be developed during simulated contexts with the use of board games, which can be extrapolated to the day to day of the participants.
- Increase the transferability of innovative and non-formal methodologies by developing a web platform of multicultural resources for young workers and young educators through the use of board games.
- Improve the organizational development of 5 institutions with different cultural and organizational experiences and strengthen their strategic association by developing the proposed intellectual products for non-formal youth education.
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